Contemporary Picture Framing

Simply displayed in a black oak box frame this original Picasso edition is preserved and presented in stunning clarity with UV grade glass ensuring maximum protection from the elements.


Damage from light is non-reversible and causes fading of pigments and dyes in paper, as well as weakening of the paper fibres, we ensure all picture frames (unless otherwise requested) are sent out with protection from unavoidable UV in the atmosphere.


This piece is float mounted with fully reversible tabs, this allows the viewer to appreciate the entire artwork as an artefact, but also allows for natural movement in the paper as atmospheric conditions naturally fluctuate. For these reasons it is one of the safest methods of framing an artwork long-term.


Pablo Picasso RO Oak Picture Frame


RO Frames Picasso Conservation Picture Framing


RO Frames Picasso float mounted Conservation Picture Framing


All images copyright RO Frames 2024 -